This week we are talking about the in-laws!!! This is a topic that many people make jokes about and that many people struggle with. So how do we create healthy relationships with our in-laws? What boundaries should we set and how do we do that respectfully? We are going to explore the answers to these in this post. When we get married, we have just covenanted to love and cleave unto our spouse and no one else. In Genesis 2:24 it says, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife.” The dictionary defines cleave as “to remain attached, devoted, or faithful to,” and “to remain steadfast”. This is what is required of us when we marry someone. In “Creating Healthy Ties with In-Laws and Extended Family” by James M. Harper and Susanne Frost Olsen, they say that, “a newly married couple is to separate from the families in which they grew up. One component of separating from families of origin involves creating ...