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FAMILY 100-- Wholesome Family Recreation

Wholesome family recreation!!!!  I love this topic.  My fiancé is a recreation management major, and this is something that we discuss often and that is important to us.  Hawkins provides so many wonderful quotes in this chapter and I want to share with you the ones that stood out to me.
Why is wholesome family recreation important?  I am so glad you asked.  Hawkins tells us, "Wholesome family recreation can help us strengthen our relationships and reduce negative emotional and spiritual consequences. Wholesome recreation strengthens families." (2012, p. 225).  Who doesn’t want a stronger family?  And how amazing is it that you get there through having fun!!!! But Hawkins warns us, "Meaningful recreation does not just happen; it must be prepared for, cultivated, and privately defended (Csikszentmihályi, 1990). " (2012, p. 225).  We must put effort into our recreation, or it will not be as meaningful or impactful for our families.

But what does this include?  Hawkins talks about getting in the state of flow in our activities.  He shares the components of these experiences, "These experiences have eight common elements: We are (a) confronting tasks that we have a chance of completing; (b) we are able to concentrate on what we are doing; (c) we have clear goals; (d) we receive immediate feedback; (e) we act with deep awareness, but have effortless involvement, forgetting our cares and worries; (f) the experience allows us to exercise a sense of control; and (g) our concern for self disappears, yet the sense of self becomes stronger after the experience. Finally, and perhaps most noticeable, (h) the sense of duration of time is altered (Csikszentmihályi, 1997)."  (2012, p. 228)

Image result for family recreation

What components need to be a part of wholesome family recreation?  Hawkins tells us, "The components to wholesome recreation include opportunities to verbally communicate, develop skills, face challenges, create memories, share traditions and beliefs, and spend time together in the family setting." (2012, p.233). 

There are so many different types of recreation that can benefit our families.  He says that we don’t get very much out of watching tv together because we are not communicating, and we are not out of our comfort zones.  He suggests that nature can be among some of the most powerful wholesome recreation experiences, "Louv reports that nature experiences have a direct influence on physical health; simple contact with nature, such as watching fish in an aquarium, owning a pet, working in a garden, or having a view of nature through a window can reduce blood pressure, increase survival after heart attacks, and increase speed of recovery after surgery" (2012, p. 230).  He explains more benefits, "Our own research demonstrates that engaging in challenging outdoor adventures, like learning to rock climb, backpack, fly fish, and mountain bike, promotes healthy adolescent identity development (Duerden et al., 2009). " (2012, p. 231).

In conclusion, wholesome family recreation is important because it strengthens our families and increases our overall well-being.  It is a crucial element of life that we often overlook.  I challenge you this week to make a list with your family of different activities each of you would like to go and do to strengthen your relationships with each other.  And then begin to implement those activities.  I know you will find greater joy and satisfaction in your family relationships if you make recreation an important aspect in your family.


Hawkins, A. J., Dollahite, D. C., & Draper, T. (2012). Successful marriages and families: proclamation principles and research perspectives. Provo, UT: BYU Studies and School of Family Life, Brigham Young University.


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